Benzoin 50%
Scientific name|Styrax benzoe
Classification|Resin series
Specifications|500g-25kg Please contact sales for details
Extraction part|Resin
Extraction method | Abs.
Plant family|Styracaceae
Aroma|Sweet and rich, resembling the warm and creamy scent of vanilla
▎Essential Oil Introduction
A short tree from the Styracaceae family, benzoin grows in Java, Sumatra, and Thailand, producing white flowers and hard-shelled fruits. While the tree itself doesn't naturally produce resin, it secretes sap when injured, which solidifies into resin. The essential oil is extracted from this resin and is categorized into grades. Benzoin resin looks somewhat like cough syrup and carries a scent reminiscent of childhood vanilla ice cream.
Along with frankincense and myrrh, benzoin was used in ancient Egypt for incense and rituals to dispel negative energy. Its name originates from the ancient kingdom of "Parthia" (Persian: Parthava), and its sweet aroma is known to release stress and soothe sorrow, bringing comfort and a sense of safety. It is well-suited for use in baby or elderly rooms, creating a warm and secure atmosphere, offering both emotional and physical nourishment. It blends beautifully with true lavender, chamomile, geranium, bergamot, and sweet orange.
Historically, benzoin was an ingredient in an ancient cosmetic lotion mixed with lavender and ethanol, known for its excellent moisturizing effects on dry and cracked skin. Today, benzoin is commonly used as a fixative in perfumes.
▎Component Analysis
|Main component: Aromatic Esters
Other main components: aromatic acids (primarily benzoic acid and cinnamic acid) and aromatic aldehydes (vanillin).
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|Some images sourced from the internet. Contact for copyright removal|