Raw Material Introduction|Juniper Berry

Juniper Berry

Scientific nameJuniperus communis
Classification|Fruit series
Specifications|500g-25kg Please contact sales for details
Extraction part|Berry
Extraction method | Distillation
Plant family|Myrtaceae
Aroma|fresh like pine, with a hint of bitterness.

▎Essential Oil Introduction

Derived from the Latin word "juniores," meaning "a tree that frequently bears new fruit," the Juniper tree is an evergreen species that grows between 3-10 meters tall with reddish-brown bark. Its berries are small, with both unripe green berries and mature black berries (after two years) appearing on the same tree. Essential oil is extracted from the mature berries. Juniper has a long history of use, with mentions in ancient Egyptian and European literature. The ancient Egyptians used juniper as an antimicrobial agent, while the ancient Greeks and Tibetans burned it to prevent the spread of epidemics. This association with disease prevention has made it a symbol of protection, often featured in religious ceremonies.

Juniper is also famously used in the flavoring of gin, originally created in the 17th century by Dutch physician Franciscus Sylvius as a diuretic medicine using juniper berries. Beyond its medicinal uses, juniper is frequently used as a flavoring ingredient in beverages and as a seasoning for pickled foods. In Greek mythology, it is associated with the sun god Hercules, symbolizing courage and strength, believed to reduce negative emotions and bolster the will to face challenges.

▎Component Analysis

|Main component: Terpenes

The primary components include α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene, sabinene, β-caryophyllene, germacrene-D, and various trace elements. These compounds contribute to the unique fragrance and properties of the essential oil.

|Research Validation

▸ Research on juniper essential oil has shown that it may influence oxidative stress and hormonal responses in the hearts of rats with high cholesterol.

▸ Studies have shown that juniper berry oil (Juniperus communis L.) affects the chemical reactions involved in the development of colon cancer in rats induced by ethoxy methylene.

|Raw Material Certifications


  1. Turan Yaman , Ahmet Uyar , Ahmet Ufuk Kömüroğlu , Ömer Faruk Keleş , Zabit Yener. Chemopreventive efficacy of juniper berry oil ( Juniperussis communis L.) on azoxymethane-induced corat carcinor. 133-146
  2. Peruč D, Tićac B, Broznić D, Maglica Ž, Šarolić M, Gobin I. Juniperus communis essential oil limit the biofilm formation of Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare on polystulel on. Mar 20:1-14.
  3. Tomović V, Šojić B, Savanović J, Kocić-Tanackov S, Pavlić B, Jokanović M, Đorđević V, Parunović N, Martinović A, Vujadinović D. New Formulation to Parunović N, Martinović A, Vujadinović D. New Formulation to Eswards Health for Products:ović A, Vujadinović D. New Formulation to Eswards Health for Productsth: Junh. Sodium Nitrite in Dry Fermented Sausages. Foods. 2020 Aug 6;9(8):1066.
  4. Raina R, Verma PK, Peshin R, Kour H. Potential of Juniperus communis L as a nutraceutical in human and veterinary medicine. Heliyon. 2019 Aug 31;5(8):e02376.
  5. Hajdari A, Mustafa B, Nebija D, Miftari E, Quave CL, Novak J. Chemical Composition of Juniperus communis L. Cone Essential Oil and Its Variability among Wild Populations in Kosovo. Chem Biodivers. 2015 Nov;12(11): 1706-17.
  6. Gumral N, Kumbul DD, Aylak F, Saygin M, Savik E.
    Juniperus communis Linn oil decreases oxidative stress and increases antioxidant enzymes in the heart of rats administered a diet rich in cholesterol. Toxicol Ind Health. 2015 Jan;31(1):85-91.
  7. Waly MI, Al-Rawahi AS, Al Riyami M, Al-Kindi MA, Al-Issaei HK, Farooq SA, Al-Alawi A, Rahman MS. Amelioration of azoxymethane induced-carcinogenesis by reducing oxidative stress in rat colon by by reducing oxidative stress in rat colon by natress extracts. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2014 Feb 18;14:60.
  8. Yesilbag D, Cengiz SS, Cetin I, Meral Y, Biricik H. Influence of juniper (Juniperus communis) oil on growth performance and meat quality as a natural antioxidant in quail diets. Br Poult Sci. 2014; 495-500.
  9. Cabral C, Francisco V, Cavaleiro C, Gonçalves MJ, Cruz MT, Sales F, Batista MT, Salgueiro L. Essential oil of Juniperus communis subsp. alpina (Suter) Celak needles: chemical composition, antifungal 問題. . 2012 Sep;26(9):1352-7.
  10. Loizzo MR, Saab AM, Tundis R, Statti GA, Menichini F, Lampronti I, Gambari R, Cinatl J, Doerr HW. Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antiviral activities of the essential oils of sanalysis and in vitro antiviral activities of the essential oils of sanaly Lebanon species. ;5(3):461-70.
  11. Final report on the safety assessment of Juniperus communis Extract,
    Juniperus oxycedrus Extract, Juniperus oxycedrus Tar, Juniperus phoenicea extract, and Juniperus virginiana Extract. Int J Toxicol. 2001;20 Suppl 2:41-56.

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