Raw Material Introduction|Red Mandarin

Red Mandarin

Scientific nameCitrus reticulata
Classification|Fruit series
Specifications|500g-25kg Please contact sales for details
Extraction part|Peel of a ripe fruit
Extraction method | Cold pressed
Plant family|Rutaceae
Aroma|A richer and warmer scent than sweet orange, with a comforting feeling

▎Essential Oil Introduction

Red Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) is a type of citrus fruit with a rich diversity of origins and varieties. It is an evergreen plant, and the Wenzhou mandarin is of the same species as other mandarins. The fruit is slightly smaller than sweet oranges, with a balanced tartness and a distinctive textured peel. It is abundant and easy to peel, and the segments separate effortlessly. When the peel is removed, a net-like pattern is visible. The common essential oils extracted from this fruit are red mandarin and green mandarin, both scientifically classified as Citrus reticulata (also known as Citrus deliciosa). The term reticulata refers to the "net-like" pattern in the peel.

In ancient China, red mandarin was often used as a tribute, symbolizing good fortune. It was also utilized in Chinese medicine. It was one of the first citrus fruits introduced to Europe and the Americas, where it was also called mandarin. Today, most red mandarin production comes from Italy. The essential oil extracted by cold pressing the peel has properties similar to the traditional Chinese medicine chenpi (dried citrus peel). The fragrance of red mandarin blends well with most essential oils, enhancing their effects.

▎Component Analysis

|Main Component: Monoterpenes

Its components include limonene, α-pinene, and β-myrcene.

|Research Validation

▸ Citrus fruits are grouped based on genetic similarities. Most citrus varieties are hybrids of the three species located at the triangular area of the diagram. Genetically different hybrids often share the same common name.

▸ The study "Revealing the Phylogenetic Origins of Sour Orange and Lemon Through Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Markers" was published in Annals of Botany in 2016, volume 117, pages 565-583.

▸ A 2005 study found that red mandarin has been researched for its effects on inducing apoptosis in human SNU-668 cells.

|Raw Material Certifications


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|Some images sourced from the internet. Contact for copyright removal|

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