Raw Material Introduction|Birch sweet

Birch sweet

Scientific nameBetula lenta
Classification|Wood series
Specifications|500g-25kg Please contact sales for details
Extraction part|Wood
Extraction method | Distillation
Plant family|Betulaceae
Aroma|Sweet and refreshing, similar to wintergreen herb

▎Essential Oil Introduction

Birch Sweet (Betula lenta), also known as "birch wood," is sometimes referred to as "black birch," "cherry birch," "mahogany birch," or "spice birch." Compared to other birch species, it is a smaller tree with bright green leaves and aromatic dark reddish-brown bark. It has a sweet, woody fragrance similar to wintergreen, and its main chemical component, methyl salicylate, is one of the primary ingredients in aspirin.

Birch Sweet essential oil is steam-distilled from the tree’s bark, which must be soaked and softened for up to 12 hours before distillation. The oil has a sweet, sharp, minty, fresh, camphorous aroma. The highest quality Birch Sweet oil is currently produced in the United States.

▎Component Analysis

|Main component: Esters

Over 60 compounds have been identified in the natural Birch Sweet essential oil obtained through steam distillation. The oil is primarily composed of methyl salicylate (93.24-99.84%), with secondary components such as o-guaiacol, resveratrol, 2-E-4-Z-decadienal, and 2-E-4-E-decadienal recognized as the natural fundamental compounds of authentic Birch Sweet oil.

|Research Validation

▸ The compound methyl salicylate mixture is composed of various ingredients such as methyl salicylate, menthol, camphor, chlorpheniramine, thymol, etc., and is considered reliable in clinical use.

▸ A topical analgesic containing methyl salicylate and L-menthol can accelerate heat loss during the skin cooling process after exercise-induced hyperthermia.

|Raw Material Certifications


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  4. Singewar K, et al. Transcriptome analysis of North American sweet birch (Betula lenta) revealed a higher expression of genes involved in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites than European silver birch (B. Plant pendula). J. J Plant.201. 134(6):1253-1264.
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  7. Singewar K, et al. Identification and analysis of key genes involved in methyl salicylate biosynthesis in different birch species. PLoS One. 2020. Oct 8;15(10):e0240246.
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  12. Falxa-Raymond N, et al. Oak loss increases foliar nitrogen, δ(15)N and growth rates of Betula lenta in a northern temperate deciduous forest. Tree Physiol. 2012. Sep;32(9):1092-101.
  13. Daley MJ, et al. Hydraulic responses to environmental perturbations in Tsuga canadensis and Betula lenta. Tree Physiol. 2008. Sep;28(9):1341-8.

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