Raw Material Introduction|Sweet Orange

Sweet Orange

Scientific nameCitrus sinensis
Classification|Fruit series
Specifications|500g-25kg Please contact sales for details
Extraction part|Peel
Extraction method | Cold pressed
Plant family|Rutaceae
Aroma|A sweet, citrusy fruit aroma

▎Essential Oil Introduction

Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis), often referred to simply as orange, is a highly popular fruit. The Latin name Citrus implies a lemon-like aroma. Besides consuming the flesh, its peel and juice are used in medicine. In ancient China, it was valued and symbolized luck and prosperity. Originally from China and India, it spread to Europe through the Arab world and was used medicinally only from the 17th century due to its rarity and high cost.

Sweet orange essential oil can be extracted from the peel or the whole fruit. It is typically obtained by cold pressing the peel or, less commonly, by steam distillation of the leftover fruit pulp (Weiss 1997). The oil extracted by cold pressing ranges in color from light orange to deep orange, with variations depending on the variety and country of cultivation. There are two main types of orange essential oil:

  • Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis): Often characterized by a fragrance reminiscent of "ba xian guo" (Eight Immortals Fruit) or dried tangerine peel.
  • Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium): Has a more distinct orange-like scent.

Each type has its unique aroma profile.

▎Component Analysis

|Main component: Monoterpenes

The composition can vary depending on its source and cultivation. Typical components include limonene, α-pinene, and β-myrcene. Octanal and decanal may have a significant impact on the scent. Additionally, linalool, neryl acetate, and furanocoumarins may also be present, along with trace amounts of carvone and α-ionone, which are photosensitive.

|Component 1: Limonene

(1) Left-handed limonene (l – Limonene): The "l" stands for levo, indicating left-handed. It evokes a sense of walking through a coniferous forest, with a typical citrus aroma that includes a subtle sweetness and forest-like undertone, giving it a more grounded and direct quality.

(2) Right-handed limonene (d – Limonene): The "d" stands for dextro, indicating right-handed. This is the familiar citrus scent that most people recognize.

▸ Research has explored the effect of sweet orange on acetylcholinesterase activity.

▸ Studies have examined the impact of right-handed limonene (d – Limonene) on liver function.

|Component 2: Neryl acetate

It is an important ingredient for mimicking Neroli fragrance, with a light and elegant scent. Non-toxic, it is used as a culinary spice and can be found in some fragrance tablets and in the cosmetics industry.

|Raw Material Certifications


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