Raw Material Introduction|German Chamomile

German chamomile

Scientific nameMatricaria chamomilla
Classification|Flower series
Specifications|500g-25kg Please contact sales for details
Extraction part|Flowering whole plant
Extraction method | Distillation
Plant family|Asteraceae (Matricaria)
Aroma|A warm, sweet herbal scent

▎Essential Oil Introduction

German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) is a highly adaptable herb from the Asteraceae family, thriving in regions from Egypt to Germany. It has a long history, dating back to ancient Greece when Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used it to treat fever. For centuries, it has been one of Europe’s most popular herbs, beloved for its powerful effects. Locals frequently use it in herbal teas or baked goods to help ease anxiety and promote relaxation. It is also widely used in skincare products and everyday items.

The Latin name "Matricaria" signifies "mother" or "womb," indicating its traditional association with women's health. One unique aspect of German Chamomile is its chamazulene content, produced during the distillation process. This is why distilled German Chamomile essential oil has a striking deep blue color, while solvent-extracted versions appear dark green. Though the compositions vary slightly, both forms have similar beneficial properties.

▎Component Analysis

|Main component: Sesquiterpenes

The main component of German Chamomile is chamazulene. Other notable components include α-bisabolol, its oxides, and acaciaene.

|Research Validation

▸ A literature review from 2010 explored the diverse components of German Chamomile. Commonly found constituents include α-bisabolol and its oxides, as well as chamazulene.

▸ A 2012 study indicated that German Chamomile has been researched for its effects against common fungal pathogens affecting the skin.

▸ In 2012, scientists studied the effects of German Chamomile essential oil on the nervous system.

|Raw Material Certifications


  1. 溫佑君, 芳療實證全書, 新北市: 野人文化出版, 2015.
  2. 小也江裡子, 精油芳療教科書, 台北市: 邦聯文化事業有限公司, 2019.
  3. R. v. Braunschweig, 植物油全書, 台北市: 商周出版, 2009.
  4. 沈莉莎、李嘉菱, 中醫芳療百科, 新北市: 出色文化, 2019.
  5. Gupta, Vikas, et al., "Pharmacological potential of Matricaria recutita-A review.," Int J Pharm Sci Drug Res, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 12-16, 2010.
  6. Jamalian, A., et al., "Chemical composition and antifungal activity of Matricaria recutita flower essential oil against medically important dermatophytes and soil-borne pathogens.," Journal de mycologie medicale and soil-borne pathogens.," Journal de mycologie 5, no. . 308-315, 2012.
  7. Can, Özgür Devrim, et al. , "Psychopharmacological profile of Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) essential oil in mice.," Phytomedicine, Vols. 3-4, no. 19, pp. 306-310, 2012.

|Some images sourced from the internet. Contact for copyright removal|

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