原料介紹|馬纓丹 (Lantana)

馬纓丹 Lantana

拉丁學名|Lantana camara
原料規格|500g-25kg 詳情請洽業務


馬纓丹(Lantana camara),常綠半蔓性灌木。原產於熱帶美洲,三百年前由荷蘭人帶來台灣,株高1.5~3 米,小枝四棱形,具有逆向的銳利,全株含刺激性異味,葉對生,廣卵形,鋸齒緣。兩面均被有短硬毛。四季開花,頭狀花序作傘房狀排列;花托下部具線狀披針形之苞片;花冠高腳狀盆形,先端作不整齊4~5 裂,裂片闊短形,平展;花冠初呈黃色及粉紅色,後變為橙色或濃紅色,果實為核果,球形,肉質,光滑,成熟時藍黑色,成串著生。品種繁多,有黃花、白花及無刺等之品種,為盆景、庭園樹及綠籬之植材。





成分以倍半萜酮,倍半萜烯為主,有印蒿酮、馬纓丹烯Lantadene、類馬纓丹酸(Lantanolic acid)、馬纓丹異酸(Lnatic acid),以及其他葎草烯(Humulene)、β-石竹烯(β-Caryophyllene)、 γ-松油烯(γ-Terpinene)、α-蒎烯(α-Pinene)及對繖花烴(ρ-Cymene)微量成分。


▸ 馬纓丹精油對於病菌有相關研究。

▸ 馬纓丹精油對於保存食物有相關的研究。



  1. Frank C Mng'ong'o et al. Repellent plants provide affordable natural screening to prevent mosquito house entry in tropical rural settings-results from a pilot efficacy study. PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e25927.
  2. Larvicidal activity of two Algerian Verbenaceae essential oils against Culex pipiens. Vet Parasitol. 2011 Sep 27;181(2-4):370-3.
  3. Adriana R. Campos, Sidney G. Lima, José Galberto M. Costa. Chemical composition and resistance-modifying effect of the essential oil of Lantana camara Linn. Pharmacogn Mag. 2010 Apr;6(22):79-82.
  4. Adulticidal activity of essential oil of Lantana camara leaves against mosquitoes. Indian J Med Res. 2010 Mar;131:434-9.
  5. Cytotoxic evaluation of semisynthetic ester and amide derivatives of oleanolic acid. Nat Prod Commun. 2010 Oct;5(10):1567-70.
  6. Cytotoxic evaluation of semisynthetic ester and amide derivatives of oleanolic acid. Nat Prod Commun. 2010 Oct;5(10):1567-70.
  7. B. Sharma* and P. Kumar. Bioefficacy of Lantana camara L. against Some Human Pathogens. Indian J Pharm Sci. 2009 Sep;71(5):589-93.
  8. The anti-mycobacterial activity of Lantana camara a plant traditionally used to treat symptoms of tuberculosis in South-western Uganda. Afr Health Sci. 2009 Mar;9(1):40-5.
  9. Cytotoxic pentacyclic triterpenoids from Combretum sundaicum and Lantana camara as inhibitors of Bcl-xL/BakBH3 domain peptide interaction. J Nat Prod. 2009 Jul;72(7):1314-20.
  10. Antimycobacterial activity of flavonoids from Lantana camara Linn. Nat Prod Res. 2008 Apr 15;22(6):467-70.
  11. Lantadenes and their esters as potential antitumor agents. J Nat Prod. 2008 Jul;71(7):1222-7.
  12. Antimicrobial activity of some Indian medicinal plants. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2007 Feb 16;4(3):313-8.
  13. Synthesis, cytotoxicity, and antitumor activity of lantadene-A congeners. Chem Biodivers. 2007 May;4(5):932-9.
  14. Search for antibacterial and antifungal agents from selected Indian medicinal plants. J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 Sep 19;107(2):182-8.
  15. Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of Ventilago madraspatana Gaertn., Rubia cordifolia Linn. and Lantana camara Linn.: isolation of emodin and physcion as active antibacterial agents. Phytother Res. 2005 Oct;19(10):888-94.
  16. Effects of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) on general reproductive performance and teratology in rats. Toxicon. 2005 Mar 15;45(4):459-66.
  17. Effects of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) on rat fertility. Vet Hum Toxicol. 2003 Feb;45(1):20-3.
  18. M J Deena , J E Thoppil. Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Lantana camara. Fitoterapia. 2000 Aug;71(4):453-5.
  19. Juanita .Barre et al. A bioactive triterpene from Lantana camara. Phytochemistry. 1997 May;45(2):321-4.
  20. Inhibitory effects of lantadenes and related triterpenoids on Epstein-Barr virus activation. Planta Med. 1995 Dec;61(6):558-9.







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