原料介紹|佛手柑 (Bergamot)

佛手柑 Bergamot

拉丁學名|Citrus bergamia
原料規格|500g-25kg 詳情請洽業務








|成分1:乙酸沉香酯(Linalyl acetate)

▸ 乙酸沉香酯之化學結構。


▸ 沉香醇之化學結構。


▸ 使用佛手柑精油做香薰療法,對於壓力引起的焦慮症和輕度情緒障礙有相關的研究。

▸ 研究吸入佛手柑精油對精神健康的功效和溫和性,顯示佛手柑精油芳香療法可以作為調理個人心理健康的輔助療法。

▸ 佛手柑精油對於放鬆焦慮和壓力感有相關的研究。

▸ 早在16世紀,意大利就已經建立起佛手柑的精油工業。關於佛手柑在生物學上的品種來源,以及富含經濟價值的亞種究竟是變種還是雜交種,至今尚未有定論。佛手柑的果實不可食,但它的油質卻有多樣用途,不僅可用來製作香水,也可以為伯爵茶、煙草和多種食品的調味增香劑。



  1. Straface M, Makwana R, Palmer A, Rombolà L, Aleong JC, Morrone LA, Sanger GJ. Inhibition of Neuromuscular Contractions of Human and Rat Colon by Bergamot Essential Oil and Linalool: Evidence to Support a Therapeutic Action. Nutrients. 2020 May 12;12(5):1381.
  2. Straface M, Makwana R, Palmer A, Rombolà L, Aleong JC, Morrone LA, Sanger GJ. Inhibition of Neuromuscular Contractions of Human and Rat Colon by Bergamot Essential Oil and Linalool: Evidence to Support a Therapeutic Action. Nutrients. 2020 May 12;12(5):1381.
  3. Bergamot ( Citrus bergamia ) Essential Oil Inhalation Improves Positive Feelings in the Waiting Room of a Mental Health Treatment Center: A Pilot Study: Essential Oil Inhalation Improves Positive Feelings. March 2017 Phytotherapy Research 31(Suppl)
  4. 4.Rational Basis for the Use of Bergamot Essential Oil in Complementary Medicine to Treat Chronic Pain. Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 16, Number 9, 2016, pp. 721-728(8).
  5. 5.Eri Watanabe et al.Effects of Bergamot (Citrus bergamia (Risso) Wright & Arn.) Essential Oil Aromatherapy on Mood States, Parasympathetic Nervous System Activity, and Salivary Cortisol Levels in 41 Healthy Females. Forsch Komplementmed 2015;22:43– 49.
  6. 6.A.MarinoaI.Paternitia. et al. Role of natural antioxidants and potential use of bergamot in treating rheumatoid arthritis. PharmaNutrition.Volume 3, Issue 2, April 2015, Pages 53-59.
  7. 7.LauraSánchez-González et al. Study of the release of limonene present in chitosan films enriched with bergamot oil in food simulants. Journal of Food Engineering.Volume 105, Issue 1, July 2011, Pages 138-143.
  8. 8.LauraSánchez-González et al. Effect of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and chitosan coatings with and without bergamot essential oil on quality and safety of cold-stored grapes. Postharvest Biology and Technology.Volume 60, Issue 1, April 2011, Pages 57-63.
  9. 9.Bagetta G, Morrone LA, Rombolà L, et al. 2010. Neuropharmacology of the essential oil of bergamot. Fitoterapia 81: 453–461.
  10. 10.Rombolà L, Corasaniti MT, Rotiroti D, Tassorelli C, Sakurada S, Bagetta G, Morrone LA.Effects of systemic administration of the essential oil of bergamot (BEO) on gross behaviour and EEG power spectra recorded from the rat hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Funct Neurol. 2009 Apr-Jun;24(2):107-12.
  11. 11.Genetic variability to essential oil composition in four citrus fruit species. June 2006 Pakistan Journal of Botany 38(2).







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