Pureness International Essential Oils Company Honored as Designated International Souvenir by World Climate Foundation (WCF), Showcasing a Dual-purpose Biodiversity Credit Example

Professor Cai Mingzhe (middle), director of the National Taiwan University Experimental Forest, presented a souvenir from the industry-university cooperation Pureness International to Green Foundation representative Dai Qinghua (left), and WCF Chairman Jens Nielsen (right). Picture source: Pureness International

Amid increasing global attention to sustainability issues, National Taiwan University Experimental Forest is forging ahead by aligning Taiwan with the latest global net-zero trends and developments. They announced a partnership with TNFD Taiwan and sustainability-focused enterprises to promote locally adaptable methodologies for biodiversity credits and to create exemplary cases of afforestation for biodiversity credits, showcased at COP29. The event was honored by the presence of Jens Nielsen, Chairman of the World Climate Foundation (WCF), marking Taiwan's solid strides in global biodiversity conservation.

The event commenced with an opening speech by Christine Tu, General Manager of Quanwei (泉崴), followed by Professor Ming-Che Tsai, Director of the Experimental Forest, presenting souvenirs provided by Pujen International to Jens Nielsen and Dai Qinghua, representative of the Green Fund. This signing ceremony signifies deep future collaboration between the two parties in biodiversity conservation, aiming to serve as a crucial catalyst in connecting Taiwanese enterprises with international resources through WCF.

Pureness International Essential Oils Company souvenir featuring domestically produced Taiwan Luanta Fir essential oil from NTU Experimental Forest, combined with sustainable diffuser wood. Image source: Pureness International.

The organizing committee designated the souvenir 'Diffuser Wood and Essential Oils' provided by Pureness International Essential Oils Group. Collaborating with NTU Experimental Forest and ALIZ, the aromatherapy academy under Pureness Essential Oils Group, they are promoting a series of cooperative projects toward sustainable net-zero goals, jointly creating sustainable zero-carbon essential oils and related products.

Using domestically sourced Taiwan Luanta Fir essential oil extracted from surplus materials at NTU Experimental Forest, combined with sustainable diffuser wood shaped like Taiwan's national flower, the plum blossom, symbolizing sustainability. The design incorporates the infinite sustainability concept into the floral motif, retaining CO2 in the wood. Each piece of wood represents sequestering 10 grams of carbon, realizing the concept of sustainable carbon sequestration. Pureness Essential Oils Group is also actively involved in green research and development of eco-friendly packaging, aiming to produce a diverse range of specialty carbon-reducing environmental products. They are committed to reducing carbon emissions by 30% through bottling with carbon-negative materials. This approach fully leverages the comprehensive benefits of sustainable forest management for both environmental and socio-economic aspects, creating multiple values from the forest.

Professor Ming-Che Tsai, Director of the NTU Experimental Forest, presented a dual-purpose biodiversity credit example as outlined in the presentation. The souvenir showcases products such as essential oils, negative ions, and phytoncides as part of biodiversity credit projects, encompassing existing carbon credits, ESG, SDGs, ISO, USR, CSR certifications, and various other compatibilities. In the future, bio-credit securitization or technology transfer authorization will be carried out based on the highest standards. This aligns with the trends and solutions for global two-way trade.

Pureness recycles urban street waste wood for repurposing. Image source: Pureness International.

With growing environmental awareness and government policy support, recycling has gained increasing importance. Recycling and repurposing waste wood not only helps alleviate the greenhouse effect but also promotes the sustainable use of resources. To rescue valuable domestic wood, Pureness Essential Oils has invested in a waste wood recycling program, collaborating with recycling operators to transform discarded wood into valuable essential oil products, thus achieving a circular economy.

Our goal extends beyond current services; it is about laying a solid foundation for the future. Every effort in sustainable resource development and service is a commitment to the future. We aim to continually spread this spirit of sustainability, taking a leadership role in the essential oil industry, influencing more businesses, and creating greater value.

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For over 20 years, Pureness has deeply cultivated the essential oil industry, offering over 250 types of natural essential oils and 50 types of plant oils. We have a professional aromatherapy team dedicated to formulating comprehensive recipes, a full range of fragrance products, and a complete line of OEM skincare solutions. We tailor formulations based on our customers' product needs, customizing fragrance scents and effects to produce standout products under exclusive brand names. Contact us for consultations and inquiries!

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