Mandarin green
Scientific name|Citrus deliciosa
Classification|Fruit series
Specifications|500g-25kg Please contact sales for details
Extraction part|Fruit
Extraction method | Cold pressed
Plant family|Rutaceae
Aroma|Fresh and slightly bitter, with a hint of Neroli fragrance
▎Essential Oil Introduction
Mandarin green (Citrus deliciosa) belongs to the Rutaceae family and the Citrus genus. Mandarin cultivation spans five continents, with major production in regions like Maghreb, Spain, Italy, the United States, and Mexico, where Spain and Italy are considered premium growing areas.
Mandarin grenn essential oil is extracted from unripe mandarins. Farmers harvest the fruit while it is still green, and the essential oil is obtained through cold pressing.
Whether in Asia or Europe, people seem to universally embrace the scent of mandarin essential oil with a sense of joy, which has solidified the aromatic reputation of citrus oils in uplifting moods.
Unlike most citrus essential oils, Mandarin green has a distinctive aroma. If one were to describe its scent accurately, it would be: a fresh fragrance with a hint of bitterness, accompanied by the floral notes of Neroli, evoking a sense of vibrant energy.
▎Component Analysis
|Main Component: Limonene
Other Components: γ-Terpinene, p-Cymene, α-Pinene, Myrcene.
|Raw Material Certifications
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