Raw Material Introduction|White champak

White champak

Scientific nameMichelia alba
Classification|Flower series
Specifications|500g-25kg Please contact sales for details
Extraction part|Flower
Extraction method | Distillation
Plant family|Magnolia (Michelia)
Aroma|Rich floral, fruity, and oriental fragrance notes

▎Essential Oil Introduction

The White Champak (also known as White Magnolia or Magnolia) holds a deeply rooted cultural significance in many parts of Asia. While lavender evokes memories of home and motherhood for Westerners, the White Champak evokes similar feelings for people in the East. Its rich, intoxicating fragrance reaches its peak during summer, and it is often associated with the symbolic meaning of "eternal love."

Native to the tropical rainforests of Indonesia, White Champak is a natural hybrid of Michelia champaca (Golden Champak) and Michelia montana. This family of plants includes about 49 species. The magnolia family is ancient, and anthropologists have discovered fossils of magnolia trees dating back over 100 million years. In ancient China, magnolia flowers were used in medicine and tea, while their blossoms and leaves are still used today to extract essential oils and resins, frequently applied in perfumes and cosmetics.

In traditional medicine, White Champak (Michelia alba) has been documented to have therapeutic effects on certain ailments. According to traditional Chinese pharmacopoeia, its spicy, warm flowers help dispel wind, disperse cold, open the nasal passages, and support lung function. Its appearance—pure white like jade, with a fragrance akin to orchids—has earned it the name White Champak, a tree with orchid-like qualities. The essence of White Champak can best be described as "pure."

In Southeast Asia, White Champak enjoys widespread popularity. In Indonesia, it is woven into garlands along with jasmine for wedding ceremonies or used to celebrate births and new beginnings.

Component Analysis

|Main component

The components include Linalool, Caryophyllene oxide, Methyl Eugenol.

|Raw Material Certifications


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